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 Sujet du message: Secure your forum
MessagePosté: Ven Juil 27, 2007 12:18 pm 

Your forum is wide open to automatic registrations and postings. Spammers can use it to spread their junk automatically, just like we did to send you this message.

Find 'projekt spambot' on Google and to learn how we did this and how to secure your forum against this pest.

This is a one-time posting by 'Projekt SpamBot 2.0' to help forum-admins to secure their software. This account will not be used again, you can delete it (and this post) if you wish.
(We know we said it would have been a one time-posting the last time, but now being able to crack phpBB's CAPTCHA and the 'Humanizer' so easily lead us to version 2.0 to tell the community how unsafe phpBB is *again*.)

phpBB's standard-CAPTCHA is NOT safe. If you activated it for your forum, this post is the proof that it can be broken. (Our article tells you how.) Also the standard-'Humanizer' offers no security. You'll agree if you have it installed and have this text posted to your forum.

To stop spammers we recommend the MODs 'Advanced Visual Confirmation' and 'Unique Registration Hash' which can be found at phpbbhacks.com or the MOD-database on phpbb.com.


PS: E-Mails and PMs to this account as well as replies to this post will not be read.
PPS: if you received this message several times, your forum is probably reachable through more than one URL

 Sujet du message: Sécure your forum
MessagePosté: Ven Juil 27, 2007 2:15 pm 
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Inscription: Mer Juil 05, 2006 9:31 am
Messages: 506
Localisation: Hérouville Saint-Clair
He as probably and achourement reason !
N'est-il pas ?

"Prendre du poisson, c'est bien ; en manger, c'est mieux, il parait que ça rend intelligent ! "
Site : www.calvadoskayakmer.asso1901.com

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Ven Juil 27, 2007 3:00 pm 
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Inscription: Mer Mai 09, 2007 3:30 pm
Messages: 3619
Localisation: 76 Sotteville-lès-Rouen
Etes vous entrainé à la remontée après dessalage ?: Oui
ChS,t'es nul en anglais !
martian c'est juste trompé de rubrique:
Il sagit d'une notice de montage de chariot !



"Mieux vaut regretter d'être à terre que regretter d'être en mer"

 Sujet du message: My taylor is rich !
MessagePosté: Ven Juil 27, 2007 3:18 pm 
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Inscription: Mer Juil 05, 2006 9:31 am
Messages: 506
Localisation: Hérouville Saint-Clair
salmosalar a écrit:
ChS,t'es nul en anglais !
martian c'est juste trompé de rubrique:
Il sagit d'une notice de montage de chariot !

Ben Zut ! :oops:
Moi qui croyait qu'il disait qu'il m'échangeait deux bidons étanches de lessive arimables sur le pont arrière contre un montage de canne complet ! :(
Et kidi qui fo pa reponde par mel car celuici s'rait perdu !!!!! :shock:
Je me doutais bien qu'il me charriait ! :evil:
M.... alors ! :P

"Prendre du poisson, c'est bien ; en manger, c'est mieux, il parait que ça rend intelligent ! "
Site : www.calvadoskayakmer.asso1901.com

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Ven Juil 27, 2007 4:01 pm 
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Inscription: Jeu Avr 26, 2007 4:22 pm
Messages: 1201
Localisation: Landéda, Pays des Abers
Etes vous entrainé à la remontée après dessalage ?: Oui
qu'est ce qu'il a dit ............... :?: :?: :?:

Kayaks : SOT : Tempo - Disco - Ponté : Belouga 1
Lieu de pêche : PAYS DES ABERS

 Sujet du message: Re: Secure your forum
MessagePosté: Ven Juil 27, 2007 5:33 pm 
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Inscription: Mer Juil 05, 2006 9:31 am
Messages: 506
Localisation: Hérouville Saint-Clair
Il a dit :

martian2177 a écrit:
Your forum is wide open to automatic registrations and postings. Spammers can use it to spread their junk automatically, just like we did to send you this message.
Find 'projekt spambot' on Google and to learn how we did this and how to secure your forum against this pest.
This is a one-time posting by 'Projekt SpamBot 2.0' to help forum-admins to secure their software. This account will not be used again, you can delete it (and this post) if you wish.
(We know we said it would have been a one time-posting the last time, but now being able to crack phpBB's CAPTCHA and the 'Humanizer' so easily lead us to version 2.0 to tell the community how unsafe phpBB is *again*.)
phpBB's standard-CAPTCHA is NOT safe. If you activated it for your forum, this post is the proof that it can be broken. (Our article tells you how.) Also the standard-'Humanizer' offers no security. You'll agree if you have it installed and have this text posted to your forum.
To stop spammers we recommend the MODs 'Advanced Visual Confirmation' and 'Unique Registration Hash' which can be found at phpbbhacks.com or the MOD-database on phpbb.com.
PS: E-Mails and PMs to this account as well as replies to this post will not be read.
PPS: if you received this message several times, your forum is probably reachable through more than one URL

Me demande pas ce que cela veut dire, je me suis gouré ; c'est de l'anglais et pour moi, l'anglais, c'est du grec et j'y perds mon latin :(

"Prendre du poisson, c'est bien ; en manger, c'est mieux, il parait que ça rend intelligent ! "
Site : www.calvadoskayakmer.asso1901.com

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